Poetry Done Poorly
This musing is a little different for it contains a number of “poems” I wrote while on retreat. My hope is that this these poems will serve as a sort of invitation to bring some creativity to your journaling process and even encourage you to give poetry a go. I am certainly no poet, but I found much energy and joy in giving myself the freedom to try my hand at poetry while reminding myself that “anything worth doing is worth doing poorly,” to quote GK Chesterton. Also, I am convinced that the God of heaven looks at the ‘wonderful’ prose I wrote and announces to all who have ears to hear; “That’s my boy, isn’t he something – creative just like me!”
I took a walk this morning through a sea of glistening pearls upon a lush carpet of green to greet the sun to welcome a new day
God, I want to experience your love! not know it not rely on it not live in light of it
I want to feel your love
not as a baby at it’s mother’s breast but as a woman with her lover hold me touch me take me ravish me
I stand before you
yielded trembling apprehensive waiting wanting
4th of July
the storm has passed the thunder now silent the lightening turned off man takes center stage the fuse is lit the show begins the fireworks explode in the night sky robbed of all their glory by the thunder that shook the earth by the lightening that ignited the heavens God, the great Pyrotechnician has spoken
the bee
a bee gently lands on a flower gracefully bows and the dance begins they twist they twirl they romp they stomp
lost in one another oblivious to all
God, I will be the bee
if you will be the flower Then tomorrow we can switch
the hill
I plunge myself down a grassy hill childlike reckless carefree rolling rolling rolling I come to a stop and lie there the world spinning beneath me covered head to toe with God
the dance
clumsy steps on a dance floor of green grass more not falling than dancing momentarily freed from self-criticism expectations of others the ‘dance’ continues
a joyful song of devotion, gratitude, thanksgiving, erupts within the ‘dance’ continues
lost in the moment lost in the arms of God
Proverbs 8
wisdom invites wisdom begs wisdom cries out wisdom pleads wisdom shouts
I turn on the TV
wisdom weeps
a self-indulgent romp on a plush carpet of forest green moss - Why wear shoes?
Now it is your turn. Give yourself the freedom to do poetry poorly, knowing that as you seek to embrace your God-given creativity, it brings a smile to the face of God. And who knows - you may turn out to be quite the poet but didn’t know it J
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