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Food for Thought - Musings

The Prayer

The following is a prayer I wrote for my book Journey with Jesus. This is a prayer that I have been sitting with this past week as I have been entering with Jesus into a variety of the Gospel narratives. I invite you to read through the prayer paying attention to what the words stir up within your heart and mind. There are prompts below the prayer to help you further surface and explore your feeling and thoughts about the words of this prayer.

Lord Jesus,

Help me to know you, to love you, to follow you

Help alleviate my fears

and fan the embers of trust within me

Give me the strength to say yes to your invitations

the courage to continue my journey with you

Remind me that you are

the Way

the Truth

and the Life

and apart from you there is no life

but with you,

and with you alone

is fullness of life,

life everlasting.

As you spend time pondering this prayer using the prompts below, please be open and honest with God. This is not about coming up with the right answer, but about opening up your heart to yourself and to God. God desires honesty and openness. God is neither put off or surprised by your feelings, so endeavor to let God in – into those messy, angry, ‘I don’t have it all together’ places, for nothing can separate you from the marvelous love God has for you.

  • What were you drawn to? Why?
  • What resonated with you? Why?
  • What were you resistant toward? Why?
  • What are the fears that tend to extinguish your ability to trust Jesus? Share these fears with Jesus. Ask Jesus to help you to discover what is it that is birthing these fears in you.
  • Where do you find your life? Is it in Jesus or somewhere else? If somewhere else – why? What holds you back from finding your life in Jesus? Share this with Jesus.
  • How would you describe fullness of life? Are you currently experiencing fullness of Life? If not share your thoughts and feelings around not experiencing fullness of Life with Jesus?
  • Is Jesus enough for you? Why, Why not? Share your thoughts and feelings with Jesus around Jesus being or not being enough for you.
  • Does this prayer express your desires? Why, or why not?

If this prayer expresses a heartfelt desire of your heart or even kindles a desire for this desire, I would encourage you pray it each morning through out this month seeking to live into and out of the words and truths contained therein.

UPCOMING EVENTS (click here)
June 30 - Designing and Leading Contemplative Retreats
July 16-20 and August 13-17 - Journeying with People through the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius.

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