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Hum of Grace

Hum of Grace*

I am drawn to the phrase “hum of grace”. It feels good to my soul, life giving, sustaining – it speaks to me of an aspect of God’s presence with me that I have learned to depend on. Even though I may not always hear it, the hum of grace continues to purr along. This hum can be heard in grand and glorious times, during the banal realties of daily life, and during those gut-wrenching times when life does not make sense, when the brokenness of the world takes center stage and questions God’s existence, God’s goodness.

The hum of grace continues in each and every situation, uninterrupted, perpetual. God’s grace always is, always will be, come what may – sometimes it is deafening, like the roar of water cascading over the falls and crashing below, and other times it is as faint as the beating of a butterfly’s wings – but it is always there, giving, sustaining life, fanning the tenuous spark of hope that is buried deep within the heart.

God help me to cultivate inner silence and spaciousness in order to continually hear the hum of your grace. And during those times when the circumstances of my life, the racket of the world, or my harried ways, drown out the melodious hum of your grace, help me to remember it is always there and so are you – come what may.

Suggestion for the month

This month ask God to help you notice the hum of grace in your life. Start each morning asking for the ability to be in tune with, hear, the hum of grace and then throughout the day pause, for a moment or two, to see how you are hearing it, have heard it. Share with God what you are feeling about what you experienced so far in your day. And then ask for the grace again to be in tune with the hum of grace and continue on with your day.

As you train your ears to hear the hum of grace and quicken your heart to its presence, you will begin to hear the hum – be it roaring like a waterfall or as quiet as the flapping wings of a butterfly more and more in the midst of circumstances of your life. And you will experience love, hope, while growing in your ability to trust God and experience the stabilizing peace of God which in turn will help you be with others who are journeying through difficult times.

*”Hum of Grace” is lifted from the writings of Ted Loder.

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