4th of July
The following poem, which is one of the reflections that will be in my next book Seeing Jesus with New Eyes, was birthed while I was on a silent retreat at the Eastern Point Retreat Center in Gloucester, MA. It was the afternoon of July 4thand a brief thunderstorm suddenly rolled in lasting about an hour and was gone. A couple hours later fireworks ignited the night sky. As one always drawn to the spectacular brilliance of fireworks that night I was left wanting and took some time to ponder this and out of that time of reflection came what you find below. 4th of July Psalm 19:1-4 the storm has passed the thunder now silent the lightning turned off man takes center stage the fuse is lit the show begins the fireworks explode in the night sky robbed of all their glory by the thunder that shook the earth by the lightning that ignited the heavens God, the great Pyro-technician has spoken. Take a few moments to think back what it was like as a child to experience the crackle of thunder, the flashes of lighting as they lite up the night sky. What feelings stirred within you? What do such things tell you about who God’s is? Are you still able to stand dumbfounded, mouth hanging open as you view the night sky, see a sunset, hear the booming of thunder, see the momentary brilliance of lightning, it’s fingers spreading out in the heavens? Why, Why not?
Take some time today, this week to ponder nature, to turn aside to that which grabs you heart—choose to enter into wonder and mystery that is God with you, within you, God surrounding you. Choose to slow down, pay attention and listen to what creation is declaring about the wonder, the glory of God. FYI: Next week I will be sending out the yearly PLEASE give money to b email. This only happens once a year, sometime during the summer months, in order to help b be ready for the start of fall without the pressure of fundraising. Feel free to give or immediately delete the email. The email is me doing my part and trusting that God will do God's part to continue the ongoing work of b locally and globally. Back to Food for Thought