Prayer and Reflection
This is not life as usual. Things have/are dramatically shifting, changing. During such times it is easy to lose our footing, our focus and fall into the grip of fear as we seek to adjust to a new normal. This can all be a bit unnerving and overwhelming but there is more to our story. There is a grounding truth, namely, the Lord is OUR shepherd. The truth of the matter is that God is still with us and within us and there is hope that shines brightly into our current reality as we fix our eyes on Jesus. A hope that can settle us, ground us in these times of daily shifting realities. Here is a prayer I wrote for Journey with Jesus that you might find helpful in terms of refocusing on Jesus, the Good Shepherd, so that fear may fade, and faith may flourish. I invite you to pray this prayer slowly and afterwards use the questions to help you reflect on the prayer and on your life with God. Slowly pray the following prayer: Lord Jesus, Help me to know you, to love you, to follow you Help alleviate my fears and fan the embers of trust within me. Give me the strength to say yes to your invitations the courage to continue my journey with you. Remind me that you are the Way the Truth and the Life and apart from you there is no life but with you, and with you alone is fullness of life, life everlasting.
Spend time sitting with and reflecting on the words/phrases of this prayer using the following questions:
What are the truths that resonate with you?
Which words of this prayer express your desires?
How might this prayer help you to navigate through this time of uncertainty in a way that is loving and caring toward others, fosters a greater trust in God and opens you to the hope that is ours in Christ?
What will you do today/this week to communicate God's love and care to others? What does it mean to be the gospel in times such as this?
What do you sense welling up within you—share these feelings/thoughts with God (possibly write your own prayers)?
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