God writes straight using crooked lines. Almost a decade ago I felt the invitation to become a poet and so I embarked on that journey. I started reading poetry, taking some poetry classes and writing poetry.
Since then I have written a book incorporating a couple dozen of my poems in Journey with Grief. I wrote a book of 117 poetic reflections on the gospels entitled Seeing Jesus with New Eyes and I had my poems published in a handful of journals. All very exciting and a source of great joy as I co-create with God.
NOTE: I am not a great poet but I have found great joy in writing and reading poetry—who knew?! This past fall I lead a staff retreat on hope and was subsequently invited to share on hope with a group after the first of the year and then during a conversation when I was sharing about hope I was invited video a short message on the topic of hope for the UK and Ireland. That video talk was shown in Churches in early February. In the midst of all this reflecting and teaching on hope I wrote the following poem: God-Hope Not a sentimental, fanciful, irrational wishing-for, escaping-from notion, but a life-infusing, future-focused certainty flowing from the cross and empty tomb, testified to by the love of God within, rooted in the character and veracity of a God-with-us-for-us-in-us. This futuristic God-hope boomerangs into the now, anchoring our faith during the storms and tribulations of life, illuminating Spirit of God awareness, igniting Kingdom of God understanding, spurring us to live Jesus with courage, boldness and inspired creativity, reminding us that today’s reality is not the end of the story— the best is yet to come. This poem was eventually made into a short film (see link below) and was released in the UK and Ireland on Easter Sunday. https://youtu.be/VVZcy9FFY8g I write all this as a reminder/encourgament to follow as God leads. One does not always or usually know where God may be ultimately taking us but as we follow God, the God who does beyond all we can think, ask or imagine, crazy things can happen. Take some time to pause and ponder what adventure God may be inviting you embark on and then take some steps in that direction.
One does not know where one will end up but this God-infused journey/adventure will shape, form and free you to more fully and freely live Jesus—to be the you God has called and created you to be.
Let the God-inspired-God-infused adventure begin. Back to Food for Thought