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For those who love to hold a book in their hands and read the words from a paper page my latest book, AWAKE & AWARE: Poetic Ponderings on Racism, is now ready for purchase in paperback edition (initial price $9.95) on amazon.com  See link below:

This book is the outflow of a five-year journey that God has taken me on that started with the death of Alton Sterling in the summer of 2016. It is a book of poems focused on issues of racism. 

The poems are inspired by my own journey as well as present day and historical events.

Here is a poem from the book. This poem flows out of the sentiments and rhetoric that swirls around MLK day each January.

“I would’ve been there!” 


The white noise of

wannabe protesters,

self-proclaimed MLK allies


With their white-washed, 

co-opted and domesticated 

MLK quotes 


All blended together

into a delusional  

I-would-have-been-there Kool-Aid.  


Stop looking back—

what about today?

what about now?


What was your response to 

Colin Kaepernick taking a knee? 

Did you lend your voice to the cause?


What was your rejoinder to 

the outcry, Black Lives Matter?

Did you smugly reply, All Lives Matter,

Blue Lives Matter?


What was your gut reaction to the 

murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor

and the many deaths that followed? 


What IS your belief regarding systemic,

institutional racism, white privilege?

Do you deny, affirm or ignore?


Would you have marched with MLK,

facing dogs, batons, fire hoses, nooses,

the scorn of seventy-five percent of America? Unlikely. 


But what about today?


Will you stand against injustice?

Will you make some noise regarding police brutality,

health care, education, justice, housing, banking inequity?


You will never know what you would’ve done 

BUT you can decide what you will do today, tomorrow… 

regarding race disparity in the US of A.  

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