Starting Your Day
June is here and I have started a new morning routine with God that I thought I would share in case you might be looking for something different to do in the morning that is relatively easy to do. My morning time involves the following: 1. Waking up and acknowledging the day belongs to God 2. Lighting a candle 3. Journaling 4. Listening to two apps on my phone—Lectio 365 and Pray as you go—BOTH ARE FREE. 5. Close with Lord’s Prayer using hand motions. 6. Blowing out candle. Step 1. In this step I simple name that is the day the Lord has made (sometimes this will lead to a time of praying for people, the world)
Step 2. Below is my liturgy for lighting the blowing out my candle. As I strike this match I recall to mind and heart the compassion of Jesus—his willingness and commitment to suffer with/for the world, with/for me. As the match ignites, I remember that Jesus’s life is the light of the world—a light that brings life, illuminating my path, overcoming the darkness in the world and in my heart. As I light the candle I am reminded that I too am the light of the world, the life of Jesus shinning through me, a light that offers life and can foster opposition. Ending my time (see after step 6). Step 3. Journal: I write down words, thoughts, prayers, insights that are dancing in my heart and mind (this may lead to praying for people, texting people…)
Step 4. I listen to lectio 365, Prayer as you go—following their prompts. Sometimes I will journal again but usually not.
NOTE: Do not look at texts or emails go directly to APPS)
Step 5. I pray the Lord’s Prayer using hand motions—this slows me down and reminds be that mine is an embodied faith (see ).
Step 6. I blow out my candle. Ending my time, I blow out the candle and commit to being the light of the world today, allowing the life of Jesus to brightly shine through me and asking Jesus to sustain and empower me by Jesus’ presence, love and resurrection power. I share this with you not as a prescription of what to do but as a description of what I do in hopes that it may inspire you to revisit how you are starting your day with God. By the way Step 4 can be done during your commute. Back to Food for Thought